hai kau yang punya hati dan perasaan,artikanlah hadirmu disini dengan sebuah renungan panjang ditengah keheningan dunia,dan jawablah puisi-puisi yang telah berjalan dikehidupan ini dengan pemikiran dalam dasar hatimu,sesungguhnya semua yang ada disini adalah puisi untuk kita agar kita bisa berfikir sampai mana kita memaknai kehidupan ini,,,,,,
" hi you who have a heart and feelings,,,
mean the one present you here with a long reflection amid the silence of the world,,,
and answer poems have walked this life with a base thought in your heart,,,,
in fact all that is here is a poem for us so that we can think up where we interpret this life,,,,,,"
" hi you who have a heart and feelings,,,
mean the one present you here with a long reflection amid the silence of the world,,,
and answer poems have walked this life with a base thought in your heart,,,,
in fact all that is here is a poem for us so that we can think up where we interpret this life,,,,,,"