Selamat malam semua, gimana kabarnya? semoga semuanya baik-baik saja. langsung saja kali ini saya akan membahas tentang bagaimana membuat tempat pulpen sekaligus penghias meja. Dari pada bengong dan tidak ada kegiatan bisa coba trik yang satu ini sekaligus melatih kreatifitas teman-teman semua, karena barang ini masih langka dan unik,let's goooooo,,,,,,
Bahan yang diperlukan :
1. Triplek
2. Sedotan minuman bekas maupun baru
3. Batu kerikil
4. Lem fox
5. Amplas
6. paku
7. Cat
8. Vernis
9. Skotlet
10. Penggaris
11. Gunting
12. Pulpen
13. palu
14. Gergaji besi
15. Kuas
9. Susun sedotan yang sudah dibentuk rumput kemudian lem dan taruh ke tempat potnya dengan lem juga
10. Bersihkan batu kerikil dengan air,lumuri papan triplek yang ingin di pasang batu krikil dengan lem dan susun batu kerikil dengan rapi,apabila kurang lengket batunya bisa ditambah lem lagi di bagian bawah batunya
11. Potong skotlet sesuai keinginan dengan gunting dan tempel di bagian yang dinginkan
12. Langkah terakhir lumuri semua bagian dengan vernis.

Good night all, how's it going? I hope everything is okay. just this time I will discuss about how to make the pen to decorate the table at the same time. Of the stunned and no activity could try this one trick creativity as well as train all my friends, because this stuff is still rare and unique, let's goooooo,,,,,,
Materials needed:
1. Plywood
2. Straws former and new drinks
3. Pebble
4. Glue fox
5. Sandpaper
6. Spikes
7. Cat
8. Varnish
9. Skotlet
10. Ruler
11. Scissors
12. Pulpen
13. Hammer
14. Hacksaw
15. Brushes
How to make it:
1. Measure and triplex lines with a ruler and pen to the size that you want to create
2. Cut plywood that has been in line with using a hacksaw
3. Glue the parts that have been cut plywood with glue and then nail fox
4. Sandpaper parts already formed, cultivated his fine sandpaper results
5. Then coat paint with color as desired, then drain
6. Cut straws with a length as the chill
7. Every 2 parts are subdivided pieces by cutting lengthwise and cut the edges to make the taper
8. Pieces finished pull straws with spoon / bottle cap with the appropriate form of grass chill
9. Arrange grass straws that have been formed then glue and put into place with a glue pot too
10. Clean up gravel with water, coat the plywood boards that you want to attach with glue and gravel stone gravel neatly stacking, if less sticky glue stones can be added again in the bottom of the stone
11. Skotlet as desired Cut with scissors and paste it on the chill
12. The final step coat all parts with varnish.
" by mahasiswa widya gama mahakam samarinda "
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