1. Perencanaan Strategic Bisnis
Setelah meneliti tugas perencanaan
strategic dari manajemen perusahaan, kita dapat membahas tugas perencanaan strategic
dari setiap manajer unit bisnis.
2. Misi Bisnis
Setiap unit bisnis perlu
mengidentifikasi misi spesifiknya di dalam misi perusahaan yang lebih luas.
3. Analisis Lingkungan Eksternal (Analisis Peluang Dan Ancaman)
Manajer bisnis kini mengetahui
bagian-bagian lingkungan yang harus dipantau apabila bisnisnya ingin mewujudkan
tujuannya .Umumnya, unit bisnis baru memantau kekuatan lingkungan makro
(demografis/ekonomi,teknologi,politik/hokum,dan social/budaya) dan pelaku
lingkungan mikro yang utama (pelanggan, pesaing,saluran
distribusi, pemasok) yang mempengaruhi kemampuannya untuk memperoleh laba
dipasar. Peluang tujuan utama penilaian lingkungan adalah mengamati
peluang-peluang baru, peluang pemasran di definisikan sebagai berikut yaitu peluang
pemasaran adalah suatu bidang kebutuhan dimana perusahaan dapat memenuhinya
secara menguntungkan. Peluang dapat dicatat dan dipilih menurut daya tariknya, kemungkinan
berhasilnya. Perusahaan yang berkinerja paling baik adalah perusahaan yang dapat
menciptakanb nilai pelanggan tertinggi dan mempertahankannya dalam jangka
4. Formulasi Strategi
Tujuan menunjukkan apa yang ingin
dicapai unit bisnis,strategi menunjukkan bagaimana cara mencapainya.Setiap
bisnis harus menetapkan strategi mencapai tujuannya,walaupun banyak jenis
strategi, Michael porter telah merangkumnya menjadi tiga tipe generic yang
memberikan titik awal bagi pemikiran strategic:
a. Keunggulan biaya keseluruhan
Disini bisnis berusaha keras mencapai biaya produksi dan distribusi
terendah,sehingga harganya lebih rendah daripada pesaingnya dan mendapatkan
pangsa pasar yang besar
b. Diferensiasi
Disini bisnis berkonsentrasi pada upaya mencapai kinerja superior
dalam bidang manfaat pelanggan yang diinginkan sebagian besar pasar
c. Focus
Disini bisnis memfokuskan diri pada satu atau lebih segmen pasar yang
sempit,dan tidak mengejar pasar yang luas.Perusahaan mengidentifikasi kebutuhan
segmen ini dan mengejar keunggulan biaya atau diferensiasi dalam segmen
sasaraan tersebut.
sebagian perkembangan dalam lingkungan eksternal merupakan ancaman,kami
mendefinisikan ancaman lingkungan sebagai berikut yaitu ancaman lingkungan
adalah tantangan akibat kecenderungan atau perkembangan yang tidak
menguntungkan yang akann mengurangi penjualan atau laba bila tidak dilakukan
tindakan pemasaran defensive.
5. Analisis Lingkungan Internal
(Analisis Kekuatan/Kelemahan)
Selain mengetahui peluang yang
menarik di lingkungan,perlu juga
memiliki kompetensi yang dibutuhkan untuk sukses dalam peluang itu. Hal ini dapat
dilakukan, misalnya dengan formulir.
6. Formulasi Tujuan
Sedikit sekali bisnis yang hanya
memiliki satu sasaran,kebanyakan unit bisnis memiliki bauran sasaran termasuk
profitabilitas, pertumbuhan penjualan, peningkatan pangsa pasar,pembatasan resiko, daya inovasi, reputasi dan
lain-lain. Misi unit bisnis ini adalah menyediakan pelayanan yang baik bagi
setiap pelanggan, sasaran utamanya saat ini adalah meningkatkan pengembalian investasi
(return of investment).Sasaran ini merupakan
hubungan yang bersifat tradeoff. Beberapa tradeoff yang
penting di antaranya :
Margin laba tinggi dengan
pangsa pasar tinggi
Penetrasi pasar yang ada dengan
mengembangkan pasar baru
Tujuan laba dengan tujuan
Pertumbuhan tinggi dengan
resiko yang rendah
Jadi perusahaan yang unggul adalah perusahaan yang dapat memenuhi
kebutuhan pelanggan secara ekonomis, mudah dan dengan komuniikasi yang efektif.
7. Mengorganisasi,Melaksanakan
Dan Mengawasi Usaha Pemasaran
Langkah terakhir dalam proses pemasaran
adalah mengorganisasi sumber daya pemasaran dan melakukan serta mengawasi
rencana pemasaran. Orgaisasi pemasaran biasanya dipiimpin oleh seorang direktur
pemasran yang melakukan dua tugas.Tugas pertama adalaha mengorganisasi
pekerjaan semua staf pemasaran. Direktur pemasaran harus bekerja sama juga dengan
direktur lainnya. Jadi kalau bagian pemasaran mengiklankan mesin tik elektroniknya
sebagai produk bermutu tinggi, mereka tidak akan dapat memenuhi janjinya bila bagian
tidak merancang produk bermutu tinggi atau bagian produksi tidak memproduksinya
dengan teliti. efektivitas bagian pemasaran tergantung juga dari personalianya, pelatihannya, bimbingannya, motivasinya
dan penilaiannya.Manajer harus bertemu dengan bawahannya secara teratur untuk
mengkaji untuk kerja mereka, memuji keberhasilannya, menunjukkan kekurangannya
dan menyarankan langkah perbaikan.
1. Business Strategic Planning
After researching the strategic planning task of corporate management, we can discuss the strategic planning tasks of each business unit manager.
2. Business Mission
Each business unit needs to identify its specific mission within the company's broader mission.
3. External Environmental Analysis (Opportunity Analysis And Threat)
Business managers now know the parts of the environment that must be monitored if the business wants to realize its goals. Generally, the new business unit monitors the macro environment (demographic / economic, technological, political / legal and social / cultural) and major microcenter , competitors, distribution channels, suppliers) that affect their ability to earn market profits. The main objective of environmental assessment is to observe new opportunities, the opportunity to be defined as follows: the marketing opportunity is a field of need whereby the company can fulfill it profitably. Opportunities can be recorded and selected according to their attractiveness, the likelihood of success. The best performing company is the company that can create the highest customer value and keep it in the long run.
4. Strategy Formulation
The goal is to show what the business unit is trying to achieve, the strategy shows how to achieve it. Every business must set its strategy to achieve its goals, although many types of strategies, Michael porter has summarized them into three generic types that provide a starting point for strategic thinking:
a. Overall cost advantage
Here the business strives to achieve the lowest cost of production and distribution, so that its price is lower than its competitors and get a large market share
b. Differentiation
Here the business concentrates on achieving superior performance in the area of customer benefits that most markets want
c. Focus
Here the business focuses on one or more narrow market segments, and does not pursue a broad market. Companies identify the needs of this segment and pursue cost advantage or differentiation within the segment.
A partial threat to development in the external environment is a threat, we define environmental threats as follows: environmental threats are challenges due to unfavorable trends or developments that will reduce sales or profits if no defensive marketing action takes place.
5. Internal Environmental Analysis (Strength / Weakness Analysis)
In addition to knowing the exciting opportunities in the environment, it also needs to have the competencies needed to succeed in that opportunity. This can be done, for example by a form.
6. Formulation of Objectives
Very few businesses have only one target, most business units have a mix of targets including profitability, sales growth, market share increase, risk limits, innovation, reputation and so on. The mission of this business unit is to provide good service to every customer, the main objective now is to increase the return on investment (return of investment) .This target is a tradeoff relationship. Some important tradeoffs include:
a. High profit margins with high market share
b. Penetrate existing markets by developing new markets
c. Purpose of profit with nonprofit goals
d. High growth with low risk
So a superior company is a company that can meet the needs of customers economically, easily and with effective communication.
7. Organizing, Implementing and Overseeing Marketing Efforts
The final step in the marketing process is to organize marketing resources and to conduct and oversee marketing plans. A marketing orga- nization is usually headed by a second-in-one executive director. The first task is to organize the work of all marketing staff. The marketing director should cooperate with the other directors. So if the marketing section advertises its electronic typewriter as a high-quality product, they will not be able to fulfill their promise if the part does not design a high quality product or production part does not produce it thoroughly. the effectiveness of the marketing department depends also on its personality, its training, its guidance, its motivation and its judgment. Managers should meet with their subordinates regularly to review for their work, praise its success, point out its shortcomings and suggest improvement measures.
1. Business Strategic Planning
After researching the strategic planning task of corporate management, we can discuss the strategic planning tasks of each business unit manager.
2. Business Mission
Each business unit needs to identify its specific mission within the company's broader mission.
3. External Environmental Analysis (Opportunity Analysis And Threat)
Business managers now know the parts of the environment that must be monitored if the business wants to realize its goals. Generally, the new business unit monitors the macro environment (demographic / economic, technological, political / legal and social / cultural) and major microcenter , competitors, distribution channels, suppliers) that affect their ability to earn market profits. The main objective of environmental assessment is to observe new opportunities, the opportunity to be defined as follows: the marketing opportunity is a field of need whereby the company can fulfill it profitably. Opportunities can be recorded and selected according to their attractiveness, the likelihood of success. The best performing company is the company that can create the highest customer value and keep it in the long run.
4. Strategy Formulation
The goal is to show what the business unit is trying to achieve, the strategy shows how to achieve it. Every business must set its strategy to achieve its goals, although many types of strategies, Michael porter has summarized them into three generic types that provide a starting point for strategic thinking:
a. Overall cost advantage
Here the business strives to achieve the lowest cost of production and distribution, so that its price is lower than its competitors and get a large market share
b. Differentiation
Here the business concentrates on achieving superior performance in the area of customer benefits that most markets want
c. Focus
Here the business focuses on one or more narrow market segments, and does not pursue a broad market. Companies identify the needs of this segment and pursue cost advantage or differentiation within the segment.
A partial threat to development in the external environment is a threat, we define environmental threats as follows: environmental threats are challenges due to unfavorable trends or developments that will reduce sales or profits if no defensive marketing action takes place.
5. Internal Environmental Analysis (Strength / Weakness Analysis)
In addition to knowing the exciting opportunities in the environment, it also needs to have the competencies needed to succeed in that opportunity. This can be done, for example by a form.
6. Formulation of Objectives
Very few businesses have only one target, most business units have a mix of targets including profitability, sales growth, market share increase, risk limits, innovation, reputation and so on. The mission of this business unit is to provide good service to every customer, the main objective now is to increase the return on investment (return of investment) .This target is a tradeoff relationship. Some important tradeoffs include:
a. High profit margins with high market share
b. Penetrate existing markets by developing new markets
c. Purpose of profit with nonprofit goals
d. High growth with low risk
So a superior company is a company that can meet the needs of customers economically, easily and with effective communication.
7. Organizing, Implementing and Overseeing Marketing Efforts
The final step in the marketing process is to organize marketing resources and to conduct and oversee marketing plans. A marketing orga- nization is usually headed by a second-in-one executive director. The first task is to organize the work of all marketing staff. The marketing director should cooperate with the other directors. So if the marketing section advertises its electronic typewriter as a high-quality product, they will not be able to fulfill their promise if the part does not design a high quality product or production part does not produce it thoroughly. the effectiveness of the marketing department depends also on its personality, its training, its guidance, its motivation and its judgment. Managers should meet with their subordinates regularly to review for their work, praise its success, point out its shortcomings and suggest improvement measures.
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