1. Formulasi Program
Strategi setelah unit bisnis menetapkan strategi utamanya, unit
bisnis tersebut harus mengembangkan program pendukungnya. Jadi apabila bisnis
memutuskan untuk mengejar keunggulan teknologi, bisnis tersebut harus
menjalankan program untuk memperkuat departemen riset dan pengembangannya, mengembangkan
intelijen teknologi, mengembangkan produk mutakhir, melatih para wiraniaga
teknis, merancang iklan untuk mengomunikasikan keunggulan teknologinya dll.
2. Implementasi
Strategi yang jelas dan program pendukung yang matang belum tentu
cukup.Perusahaan bias gagal dalam implementasi.Strategi hanyalah satu dari
tujuh elemen,menurut McKinsey Consulting Firm,yang ditunjukkan oleh
perusahaan-perusahaan yang dikelola dengan baik.Tiga elemen pertama
strategi, struktur dan system di anggap sebagai “perangkat keras”
keberhasilan.Empat elemen selanjutnya gaya (style),staf,keterampilan (skill), dan
nilai bersama (shared values) adalah “perangkat lunak”nya.
3. Menetapkan Misi Korporasi
Misi perusahaan dibentuk oleh lima elemen yaitu :
Sejarah,setiap perusahaan
memiliki sejarah tujuan,kebijakan dan prestasi
Preferensi saat ini dari para
pemilik dan manajemen
Lingkungan pasar mempengaruhi
misi organisasi
Sumberdaya organisasi
menentukan misi mana yang mungkin dijalankan
· Organisasi harus mendasarkan
misinya pada kompetensi utama (distinctive competences)
Pernyataan misi harus menetapkan lingkup kompetisi
utama di mana perusahaan akan beroperasi :
Lingkup indrustri:kelompok
indrustri yang dipertimbangkan perusahaan
· Lingkup produk dan
aplikasi:kelompok produk dan aplikasi dimana perusahaan akan beroperasi
· Lingkup kompetensi:kelompok
teknologi dan kompetensi inti lainnya yang akan dikuasai dan dikembangkan
· Lingkup segmen pasar:tipe pasar
dan pelanggan yang dilayani perusahaan
· Lingkup vertikal:jumlah tingkat
saluran dari bahan mentah samnpai produk akhir dan distribusi yang dipergunakan
· Lingkup geografis:kelompok
daerah, Negara, atau kawasan regional yang akan dimasuki perusahaan
4. Menetapkan Unit Bisnis
Strategic (Strategic Business Unit = SBU)
Kebanyakan perusahaan mengoperasikan beberapa bisnis,manajemen harus
menghindari define berdasarkan pasar yang terlalu sempit atau terlalu
luas.Misalnya kalau suatu produsen pensil memandang dirinya sebagai alat
pembuat alat tulis,ia mungkin akan berespansi memproduksi pena. Kalau ia
memandang dirinya sebagai pembuat peralatan menulis, mungkin ia akan membuat
pengolah kata. Konsep paling luas dari bisnisnya adalah perusahaan
komunikasi,namun mungkin ini terlalu jauh untuk perusahaan pembuat pensil.
5. Mengalokasikan Sumber Daya Pada
Setiap SBU
Tujuan identifikasi SBU perusahaan adalah untuk memberikan sasaran
perencanaan strategic dan pendanaannya pada masing-masing unit.Tugas perusahaan
selanjutnya adalah menetukan sasaran,strategic dan anggaran yang diberikan ke
masing-masing SBU.Ada empat sasaran alternative yang dapat dipilih :
· Build di sini sarannya adalah
meningkatkan pangsa pasar SBU,meskipun harus mengorbankan laba jangka pendek.
· Hold di sini sasarannya adalah
mempertahankan pangsa pasar SBU
· Haevest:di sini sasarannya
adalah meningkatkan aliran kas jangka pendek SBU tanpa memedulikan akibat jangka
· Divest:di sini sasarannya
adalah untuk menjual atau melikuidasi bisnis karena sumber dayanya lebih baik
digunakan ditempat lain
6. Merencakan Bisnis Baru
Perusahaan dapat mengatasi kesenjangan tersebut dengan tiga cara
· Dengan mengidentifikasi peluang
untuk tumbuh dalam bisnis perusahaan saat ini (peluang tumbuh intensif)
· Dengan mengidentifikasi peluang
untuk membangun atau membeli bisnis yang berhubungan dengan bisnis perusahaan
saat ini (peluang tumbuh integrative)
· Dengan mengidentifikasi peluang
untuk menambah bisnis yang tidak berhubungan dengan bisnis perusahaan saat ini
(peluang tumbuh diversifikasi)
1. Program Formulation
Strategy after the business unit establishes its main strategy, the business unit must develop its support program. So if a business decides to pursue technological excellence, it must run a program to strengthen its research and development department, develop technology intelligence, develop cutting-edge products, train technical salespeople, design advertisements to communicate technological advantages etc.
2. Implementation
Clear strategies and mature support programs are not necessarily enough. The bias company fails in implementation. Strategy is just one of seven elements, according to McKinsey Consulting Firm, shown by well-managed companies. The first three elements of strategy, structure and system are consider the "hardware" of success. The next four elements of style, staff, skills, and shared values are the "software".
3. Establish a Corporate Mission
The company's mission is formed by five elements:
· History, every company has a history of goals, policies and achievements
· Current preferences of owners and management
· The market environment affects the organization's mission
· Organizational resources determine which missions might be implemented
· The organization must base its mission on the main competencies (distinctive competences)
The mission statement should define the main competition areas in which the company will operate:
· The scope of indrustri: the group of industries considered by the company
· Scope of products and applications: the group of products and applications where the company will operate
· Scope of competence: technology group and other core competencies to be mastered and developed by the company
· The scope of market segments: the type of market and the customers the company serves
· Vertical scope: the number of channel levels from raw materials to end products and distribution used by the company
· Geographical scope: regional group, country or region to be entered by the company
4. Establishing a Strategic Business Unit (SBU)
Most companies operate several businesses, management must avoid define based on a market that is too narrow or too broad. For example if a pencil manufacturer views itself as a stationery maker, it may resume producing pens. If he sees himself as a maker of writing equipment, perhaps he will make a word processor. The broadest concept of the business is the communications company, but it may be too far for the pencil maker.
5. Allocate Resources to Every SBU
The purpose of identification of corporate SBUs is to provide strategic planning objectives and funding for each unit. The next task of the company is to determine the targets, strategic and budget given to each SBU. There are four alternative targets to choose from:
· Build here the advice is to increase SBU market share, even if it must sacrifice short-term profits.
· Hold here the goal is to maintain SBU market share
· Haevest: here the goal is to increase the SBU short-term cash flow regardless of its long-term consequences.
· Divest: here the target is to sell or liquidate a business because its resources are better spent elsewhere
6. Plan New Business
Companies can overcome the gap in three ways:
· By identifying opportunities to grow in the company's current business (opportunities to grow intensively)
· By identifying opportunities to build or buy business related to the company's current business (integrative growth opportunities)
· By identifying opportunities to add businesses that are not related to the company's current business (opportunities to grow diversify)
1. Program Formulation
Strategy after the business unit establishes its main strategy, the business unit must develop its support program. So if a business decides to pursue technological excellence, it must run a program to strengthen its research and development department, develop technology intelligence, develop cutting-edge products, train technical salespeople, design advertisements to communicate technological advantages etc.
2. Implementation
Clear strategies and mature support programs are not necessarily enough. The bias company fails in implementation. Strategy is just one of seven elements, according to McKinsey Consulting Firm, shown by well-managed companies. The first three elements of strategy, structure and system are consider the "hardware" of success. The next four elements of style, staff, skills, and shared values are the "software".
3. Establish a Corporate Mission
The company's mission is formed by five elements:
· History, every company has a history of goals, policies and achievements
· Current preferences of owners and management
· The market environment affects the organization's mission
· Organizational resources determine which missions might be implemented
· The organization must base its mission on the main competencies (distinctive competences)
The mission statement should define the main competition areas in which the company will operate:
· The scope of indrustri: the group of industries considered by the company
· Scope of products and applications: the group of products and applications where the company will operate
· Scope of competence: technology group and other core competencies to be mastered and developed by the company
· The scope of market segments: the type of market and the customers the company serves
· Vertical scope: the number of channel levels from raw materials to end products and distribution used by the company
· Geographical scope: regional group, country or region to be entered by the company
4. Establishing a Strategic Business Unit (SBU)
Most companies operate several businesses, management must avoid define based on a market that is too narrow or too broad. For example if a pencil manufacturer views itself as a stationery maker, it may resume producing pens. If he sees himself as a maker of writing equipment, perhaps he will make a word processor. The broadest concept of the business is the communications company, but it may be too far for the pencil maker.
5. Allocate Resources to Every SBU
The purpose of identification of corporate SBUs is to provide strategic planning objectives and funding for each unit. The next task of the company is to determine the targets, strategic and budget given to each SBU. There are four alternative targets to choose from:
· Build here the advice is to increase SBU market share, even if it must sacrifice short-term profits.
· Hold here the goal is to maintain SBU market share
· Haevest: here the goal is to increase the SBU short-term cash flow regardless of its long-term consequences.
· Divest: here the target is to sell or liquidate a business because its resources are better spent elsewhere
6. Plan New Business
Companies can overcome the gap in three ways:
· By identifying opportunities to grow in the company's current business (opportunities to grow intensively)
· By identifying opportunities to build or buy business related to the company's current business (integrative growth opportunities)
· By identifying opportunities to add businesses that are not related to the company's current business (opportunities to grow diversify)
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